Suranne Jones and Sophie Rundle’s television series, which premiered on HBO on July 8, did not receive a third season. The cancellation was announced on the program’s official Instagram, which also posted a melancholy message in which it said it was “proud of the deep influence” the program had on its fans.
Jones, who portrayed Anne Lister, also stated that in addition to uniting viewers, the show has rekindled interest in the real-life person she represented.
There are now several memorials to Lister all around England, and her estates in Shibden are a popular tourist destination. Jones stated on Instagram, “I have never been a part of a production that has had such a profound effect and impacted my heart like this one has.”
Not necessarily the simplest job I’ve had, though… yet it was always rewarding to gauge the reaction it garnered. “
Sophie, who portrayed Ann Walker, Anne’s love interest, is equally pleased with the work they accomplished on the show, which emphasized the LGBTQ+ love story.
Rundle wrote on Instagram, “What a gift it has been to play Ann Walker and bring her and Anne Lister’s wonderful love story back to life.”
I am so honored to have contributed to recovering their historical significance. And I will always be grateful that [creator Sally Wainwright] and Suranne, together with the amazing crew that helped bring this story to your screens, allowed me to spend time in their orbits.” Read More