Doctors advocate for the abolition of daylight saving time

Doctors Want Daylight Saving Time Abolished. Here's Why, And What You Can Do About It

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which specializes in all things sleep, has advocated for the abolition of daylight saving time for years.

Their argument was debated in yet another congressional session in the days leading up to this weekend’s time change.

But for the time being, we’re stuck with Cranky Monday.

Dr. Abid Bhat, medical director of the University Health Sleep Center, formerly Truman Medical Centers, explained, “Basically what is going to happen Monday morning is that you will experience jet lag without traveling.”

At 2 a.m. on Sunday, we advance our clocks by one hour. Medical professionals condemn this yo-yoing of advancing and regressing because it has a demonstrable negative impact on human health. According to the Sleep Medicine Academy, research supports the use of standard time all year.

The American Heart Association has issued its annual reminder that heart disease and stroke rates rise during daylight saving time, an unexplained biological “clock shock.”

And here’s hoping you’re not required to attend federal court on Monday. The Association for Psychological Science declared “sleepy punishers are severe punishers” after a study indicated that judges give lengthier punishments on that day than on other days.

Some experts even advise against planning anything essential for the next week because you’ll be off your game until you get back into your normal sleeping routine.

The synthesis of hormones such as melatonin, the night-time hormone that impacts sleep, cortisol, the stress hormone, and serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone that helps keep despair and anxiety at bay, is affected by changing the clock. Which explains the irritability.

“To put it simply, a biological clock keeps our bodies in sync with the outer world. “There’s a synchronization,” Bhat explained. “And there’s a misalignment when you adjust that.”

And now, as a result of the pandemic, a new set of people is experiencing a slew of sleep issues.

“It’s amazing how many people with COVID we see in the sleep clinic,” Bhat added.

They range from persons with minor symptoms to those who have been admitted to hospitals. They started showing up at the sleep clinic last year, a parade of fatigued people, some in tears because their new sleep difficulties were interfering with their everyday lives, according to Bhat.

“They’re really drowsy, fatigued, exhausted, and have no energy,” Bhat added, referring to what is known as post-COVID fatigue syndrome. “Extreme lethargy—brain fog is a word that is commonly used. “I can’t take care of my little children,” a young mother said.

Hypersomnia, or sleeping too much, is a common symptom among COVID patients, according to Bhat and his colleagues. One person claimed to have slept for 20 hours. On the other hand, there are those who are unable to fall asleep at all.

One patient stated that she had never had sleep issues before to receiving COVID. She is now unable to sleep at night. “She was crying,” Bhat said. “She’s tried every drug there is.” Sleeping tablets have been recommended for her. “Nothing seems to be working.”

COVID patients with restless leg syndrome have also been noticed, according to Bhat, “where people have this want to move their legs when they’re trying to sleep.” It “may be quite aggravating for both the person and their bed companion.”

“It’s interesting to note that some of these patients begin to feel better. And that’s one of the few rays of hope here that it might eventually go away on its own.”

Bhat advises anyone looking for a good night’s sleep to stick to the essentials.

“A common problem I notice among those who can’t fall or remain asleep is pushing themselves to sleep harder,” he said. “You need to make the most of your time in bed.”

That is, do not lie awake in bed for long periods of time. Staying in bed if you can’t sleep is a bad idea. Get up and do something soothing, such as reading or listening to music, that will make you drowsy.

Patients at the sleep facility are asked what time they go to bed and what time they get up. According to sleep specialists, consistency is crucial. Every night, Bhat goes to bed about 10 or 10:30 p.m. and sleeps for seven to seven-and-a-half hours.

It’s extremely vital to attempt to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day during the next few days, even on weekends, as tough as it may be to hear. According to Bhat, you should be able to get your body back on a regular sleep schedule in five to seven nights if you are consistent.

“Let’s set aside some time for sleep,” he suggested. “Let’s not treat sleep as if it were, ‘Oh, you know, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do, I’ve got assignments, I’ve got deadlines.’ We should not make any compromises when it comes to sleep.”

Patients are told by sleep doctors that the bedroom should only be utilized for two things: sleeping and having sex.

Don’t bring your phone to bed with you. Bhat advises his patients to turn off all devices, including the television, at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

In fact, Bhat advises keeping technology out of the bedroom.

“How do you expect a person to sleep when they carry their laptop into their bedroom?” Bhat wondered. “And then you turn it off and attempt to sleep, but you can’t.”

“That time is no longer associated with nighttime; it is your laptop time, your phone time, and your social media time.” It’s now your turn to read the news. It’s time to take a peek at the stock market. It’s past time to take a look at what’s going on in Ukraine. It’s past time for us to take a look at the current gas rates.

“Can you guess what happens to your brain when you look at all those things?” The neurons in your brain are activated. It loses the desire to sleep.”

To reduce the exhaustion you’ll experience when the clocks change, the sleep medicine academy suggests taking the following steps:

• Start shifting your bedtime 15 to 20 minutes earlier each night for a few of evenings before the change.

— Begin altering the timing of your everyday tasks to provide your body with new “time cues.” For example, each night, eat dinner a little earlier.

— Set your clocks ahead one hour in the evening on Saturday, then go to bed at your regular bedtime.

– Spend some time outside on Sunday in the early morning sunlight to help set that internal clock that controls sleep and attentiveness.

– Go to bed early on Sunday as well.

Then, according to Bhat, the Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the Mayo Clinic, here’s how you can get back into your sleep groove:

— If you’re tired on Sunday after the time change, take a short 15- to 20-minute nap in the early afternoon, but not too close to night.

– Make your bedroom dark by using blackout curtains.

— Unwind before going to bed in the evening.

— Avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee before going to bed.

— Let go of the triggers. Pick a time during the day—late afternoon, for example—to sit and think about the things that might keep you from falling asleep once you get in bed to keep your mind from racing.

Do it for four or five days, according to Bhat, and your brain will learn that when you go to bed, you’ve already dealt with those ideas.